Kawasaki Z 1000 SX vs. Kawasaki H2 SX

Comparison of the two trendy sports tourers from Kawasaki

We compare the Kawasaki Z 1000 SX with the Kawasaki H2 SX and show you the advantages and disadvantages of these two sports tourers from Japan. Which bike can do what better and for whom is the Z 1000 SX or the H2SX suitable?

00:00 - Introduction
00:54 - Ergonomics & Dimensions
01:43 - Technical data: chassis, engine, brakes
03:55 - Soundcheck
04:12 - Our opinion on the Kawasaki H2 SX - Pros & Cons
09:11 - Our opinion on the Kawasaki Z 1000 SX - Pros & Cons
11:32 - Cockpit & Controls
11:55 - Prices and conclusion
