Dimitri Coste rides on the Indian FTR in Punk's Peak
New eFTR Mini Cup races
Handover of the 'GRIND Machine' Indian Chief by Tank Machine x Rise Designs
From June 29 to July 3, Indian Motorcycle will bring the spirit of America's first motorcycle manufacturer to Biarritz, France, continuing its long-standing partnership as the main sponsor of the Wheels and Waves festival. Indian Motorcycle and Wheels and Waves share a common belief in celebrating the past to shape the future. They have been working closely together for seven years. Indian Motorcycle has been the main sponsor for six years.
Now in its 11th year, the Wheels and Waves Festival brings together the different influences of motorcycle culture, surfing, skating, music and art into a unique experience that has become a must-attend event for riders, skaters and surfers from all over Europe and beyond.
Indian Motorcycle at Wheels and Waves 2022
Join Indian Motorcycle - June 29 to July 3
Indian Motorcycle is the focal point of the Wheels and Wave Village with an exhibition of motorcycles and custom builds. There will also be a clothing and accessories shopping area, where the special Indian Motorcycle x Wheels and Waves collaboration T-shirt will also be available. Festival-goers will also be amazed by the steep wall riders who defy gravity with their pre-war Indians in the Wall of Death. It has always been a popular part of the Event Village.
The Indian FTR at Punk's Peak - June 29
Punk's Peak is just a stone's throw from Mont Jaizkibel in Spain. At the famous sprint event, 128 riders compete in 400-meter duels on old and modern motorcycles. Dimitri Coste, photographer, gentleman racer and brand ambassador of Indian Motorcycle, will take on this challenge on the handlebars of an Indian FTR in the Superbike +100 hp category. Punk's Peak will take place on Wednesday, June 29.
Artride - June 30 to July 3
Indian Motorcycle, in collaboration with Wheels & Waves, commissioned four European motorcycle builders in December to create their very own vision of an Indian Chief – inspired by the past, firmly anchored in the present, with a broad view of the future. The winning design, "GRIND Machine" by Tank Machine x Rise Designs, was determined by a combination of public voting and a jury of super voters and will be on display at the Artride exhibition. In addition to other machines on display, there will also be a special collaboration with a special artist in the Indian Motorcycle area. The Artride exhibition will open on the evening of June 30 and will run throughout the event at the skate park of Biarritz.
Indian eFTR Mini Cup - July 1st
New at this year's Wheels & Waves is the eFTR Mini Cup. The eFTR Mini Cup will take place on Friday, July 1st at 7 pm. The electric mini motorcycles, originally designed for children, are ridden on a racetrack in the heart of the WAW village. There is also an eFTR Mini to be won, which will be presented at the end of the race! For all those who want to participate, a ballot box will be available from 28 June at the Indian Motorcycle stand in the festival village.
Presentation of the "Grind Machine" - July 2nd
As part of the public vote in which the 'GRIND Machine' by Tank Machine x Rise Designs was selected to be realized and exhibited at the WAW Artride, Fabien Orquin was randomly selected as the lucky owner of the 'GRIND Machine' from the more than 35,000 public voters.
Fabien will enjoy a VIP trip to the Wheels & Waves Festival 2022 and will receive his Custom Indian Chief on Saturday 2 July at 7pm on the main stage of the festival village.
More information about Wheels & Waves 2021: wheels-and-waves.com
More information about Indian Motorcycle on IndianMotorcycle.eu, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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