13th International Motorcycle Conference
From Research & Technology: New Highlights of Motorcycle Safety
At the beginning of September, everyone interested can see the latest scientific findings on the topic of "scooter and motorcycle safety" from all over the world free of charge under www.ifz.de. The reason for this is the 13th International Motorcycle Conference of the Institute for Bicycle Safety (ifz), which is realized with the support of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) from the USA, the European (ACEM) and the German Industrial Association Motorcycle (IVM), as well as the German Road Safety Council (DVR).
Photo: ifz A wide range of topics is once again the hallmark of the conference, which aims to contribute to increasing two-wheel safety through the international exchange of experts. When it comes, for example, to the topic of "drivers", the topic of inclination is of importance. Where are the limits in everyday driving and can they be influenced by training? In order to be able to reflect one's own driving limits, the possibility of slanting position measurement via smartphone is also investigated. In addition, the optimization of motorcycle clothing and the use of driver airbags is part of the program. The diverse analyses of driver assistance systems are also a topical and important topic focus. Among other things, driver settings and knowledge with regard to the systems play a role, as do driver reactions to automatic emergency braking manoeuvres. Procedures for how drivers can be tactilely and visually alerted to hazards are also analysed. Further studies are investigating motorcycle accidents, especially taking into account assistance systems. Last but not least, accident analyses are related to new content of motorcycle training. And, of course, the topic of electromobility also finds its place, for example when it comes to the crash safety of high-performance batteries. "Motorcycle safety is not only lived on our roads every day, it is also constantly growing through the exchange of new insights around the globe," Matthias Haasper, head of research at ifz, underlines this international event. Everyone is in demand, because the transparent structure of this year's conference offers everyone interested the opportunity to be there and get involved. "Anyone can submit questions about the contributions that will be answered by the authors during the online live event on October 6, 2020 and beyond!" asks Haasper to participate.
More information on the conference and the programme can be found at
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