For all those who are still looking for an Easter gift for friends or relatives who are on motorized two-wheelers, the Institute for Two-Wheeler Safety (ifz) has a special tip ready.
Easter is just around the corner. In view of the pandemic, the festival will once again take place differently than usual. Nevertheless, relatives and friends are still often given gifts at Easter, which is often associated with the traditional search for hidden Easter eggs.
For all those who are still looking for a suitable gift for their loved ones, the Institute for Two-Wheeler Safety (ifz) has a tip ready – at least if the daughter, son, nephew or granddaughter has recently completed a motorcycle or scooter driver's license, or has been on a motorized two-wheeler for some time. Why not invest in the safety of the offspring and put a very special gift in the nest with a training voucher for participation in a motorcycle safety training?
The opportunity could not be better, because Easter is, after all, also the festival that welcomes spring. In turn, motorcyclists welcome it as a prelude to the motorcycle season. And what better way to get started than with safety training? The fun is guaranteed not to be neglected.
For the ifz, the experts in two-wheeler safety, there is no question that motorcycle training courses make an important contribution to road safety by teaching the training participants better vehicle control, increasing their skills and, above all, sensitizing them to the various dangers. This is particularly important at the beginning of the season, when the driving skills rusted over the winter have to be reactivated and re-practiced, especially for novice drivers.
The path to the training voucher is short and fast. Simply visit the online training portal organised by the ifz in cooperation with the German Road Safety Council (DVR) and the ADAC. There, by clicking on the button "Voucher template" download a pdf file, then print it out and off to the Easter egg basket.
Whether beginner, returner or old (Easter) bunny: The gifted person can select the desired course offer in the said database under the wide range of qualified trainings with just a few mouse clicks and corresponding to his driving level. Into the new season with fun and security – the egg of Columbus, so to speak.
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