BikePorn video to complete our VFR series ...
... on Sunday, October 10 from 8:00 p.m. has given everything for the conclusion of the series "The VFR Project" on YouTube. On 10.10.20 at 8 p.m. the video will be sharpened as part of a YouTube premiere. We expect thousands of spectators, fame and honor.
"BikePorn", what a terrible term. But this is the colloquial means when a motorcycle in all its beauty is banished to celluloid with many detailed shots. Okay, we took our sleek Digi-Cams for the sake of simplicity, but seven of them. And laser light, fog as well as loud rock music (listening and also worth seeing:
Sershen & Zaritskaya) are of course also included.
One hand, a GT 40, an SL, a Trabbi, several Maico enduros, a Honda Dax, a few sheep and a circular Kawasaki 3-cylinder racing machine (2-stroke, yes Hans Hermann!) - and of course our newly refurnished Honda VFR 800. The whole thing is garnished with chic cheerleader girls from brim ( and lots of good mood.
So - we had our fun already at the production of this video, you hopefully watching. It starts on Saturday at 8 p.m.
Your way to ride!
Series: Legendary Motorcycles. Episode 4: Honda CB 750 Four
Honda CB 1300