Show me your Bike! The five finalists have been selected.
Raffle: Which bike do you find the most beautiful?
As announced, we have your "Show me your Bike!" Submissions viewed and presented in this video the most beautiful five bikes from our point of view.
And now it's your turn: Please choose your favorite here: winner of the survey - i.e. the machine that received the most votes from the community - will be notified by us in about a week and will win a 50 Euro voucher for our sensational online shop: Thank you again to all participants. There were many more than we thought and therefore we will soon put a second video with more participants online. Attention: Please do not send any more photos, the event is over and our mail box will otherwise overflow.
Our 10 favorite features
What is important in a motorcycle - and what is not.
Start the 2019 season safely
Freezing or mothballing?