Old driving licences will have to be exchanged for new ones from 2022
Motorists and motorcyclists will soon have to change their driving licence if it was issued before 19.01.2013. This EU regulation was approved by the Federal Council and affects more than 40 million people in Germany. The exchange campaign costs 25 euros per driver's license, which must be paid (of course) by the owner. In order to ensure that not all of the persons concerned storm the local office at the same time, the exchange action is staggered according to the acquisition of the driving licence. The action should be completed by 19 January 2033 at the latest. Those who have not exchanged their "rag" by then must expect a warning fee of 10 Euros (Oha!). The purpose of the whole action is the forgery security provided by the newly issued driving licences.
- Years of birth 1953 to 1958: exchange until 19 January 2022
- Years of birth 1959 to 1964: exchange until 19 January 2023
- Years of birth 1965 to 1970: exchange until 19 January 2024
- Years of birth 1971 or later: Exchange until 19 January 2025
The exchange of the newer ticket licences should take place according to the age of the documents:
- Driving licences issued between 1999 and 2001: exchange until 19 January 2026
- Driving licences issued between 2002 and 2004: exchange until 19 January 2027
- Driving licences issued between 2005 and 2007: exchange until 19 January 2028
- Driving licences issued in 2008: exchange until 19 January 2029
- Driving licences issued in 2009: exchange until 19 January 2030
- Driving licences issued in 2010: exchange until 19 January 2031
- Driving licences issued in 2011: exchange until 19 January 2032
- Driving licences issued between 2012 and 18 January 2013: exchange until 19.01.2033
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