This is how she drives herself
The real star of the GSX 1250 FA is without question the engine. The row four-series does not break any records on paper with 98 hp, but the early high torque (108 Nm at 3,700 rpm) makes the GSX a small rocket. In 3.4 seconds, the machine accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h, and the GSX is particularly convincing when it comes to through-pass. Despite the power of the motor, GSX feels very gentle in its power development.
On the GSX 1250 you sit "on" rather than "in" the machine. This is especially noticeable when you change from another bike in which you are sitting in the machine. This is not to be seen as a criticism, one quickly gets used to the sitting position, and many drivers feel this relaxed sitting position of the FA as one of the great advantages, especially over the super-athletes with their uncomfortable "in-the-machine" positions on longer distances.
The chassis of the machine is tight, but not uncomfortable. This makes it possible to drive sportily, although the GSX is of course not as manoeuvrable as the "real" athletes of Suzuki. The Suzi needs a hard hand in sharp turns or very tight curves. This is probably due to the fat 180 rear wheel and of course to its weight of at least 257 kg fully fuelled. However, this makes the motorcycle on the road like a board and offers an excellent straight line. Especially on the motorway, the Suzi makes a very good figure.
On this GSX 1250, the huge standard exhaust was replaced by a lightweight Leo Vince Evo One.In contrast to modern bikes, the GSX is classic when it comes to assistance systems, except abS there are no technical helpers. No ride-by-wire, no driving modes, no anti-slip, no traction control, nothing at all. Here the driver still has to drive himself. Suzuki has at least one on-board computer of the GSX 1250 FA, which is not operated from the handlebars. The simple equipment has a big advantage: within a few moments you have to see through the possibilities and settings and can concentrate completely on the motorcycle riding. Nothing distracts.
When it all, there is nothing to complain about when it is used for brakes, chassis and transmission. We therefore did not miss anything during the test and enjoyed the ease of use. Put on it, start, drive off. The logbook or the operating manual may remain under the bench - well so.
The GSX 1250 FA likes long-drawn curves - tight curves are not so...
Further tests
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