Before the first howling of the three-cylinder, quickly tick off the mandatory program. Seat height 850 to 865 millimeters (adjustable without tools), also fits for something short-legged like me. Space available in front as well as at the back good, handlebars rather narrow for an Advenure bike (aha, goes on with the sport), forward-oriented, rather sporty seating position.
So turn keys around and go. But - it won't be that way. Contrary to all the prejudices that speak of year-round Caribbean temperatures in northern Germany, we also have to endure a few cold days up here in March (see one, at, you learn something). And so we wear correspondingly thick gloves. However, the Yamaha engineers (failed) put the ignition key so deep in the bellows of the lattice frame that it cannot be caught. Annoying, but one of the very few prints in the B-note of the really - so much be anticipated - clean motorcycle.
Further tests
Yamaha SCR 950
Yamaha MT-10
Yamaha R3
Yamaha MT-03 reviewed
Yamaha XT 1200 ZE Super Ténéré