What could be better invested in than in one's own safety and the safety of others? Every year, thousands of motorcyclists take part in various types of motorcycle and scooter training courses offered by numerous providers in Germany. Despite the pandemic, the situation will continue this year with appropriate hygiene concepts. The Institute for Two-Wheeler Safety (ifz) shows you how you can easily find your next safety training and how the costs can be minimized.
A motorcycle training can be found quickly and purposefully with the help of the training online portal, thanks to the practical search and filter function as well as a list of all providers throughout Germany. Together with its cooperation partners, the ADAC and the German Road Safety Council (DVR), the ifz offers this service free of charge, which also informs about the different types of motorcycle training and also helps to save money.
Because many motorcyclists who are looking for a training do not even know that their employers' liability insurance association will reimburse them for a large part or even in full the costs. In any case, we recommend that you seek direct contact with the respective employers' liability insurance association before booking a training course and have your support assured. An overview of the subsidy possibilities of the BGs and also the direct contact is also placed on the training portal.
No matter whether you have recently passed your driving test or this was many years ago, how many kilometers you drive annually and no matter what level of driving you are at, everyone can learn. "Better motorcycling" is the motto! Let the professionals show you how to brake better, swerve and drive through a curve more safely. There are also tips and tricks on what you have to pay particular attention to as a motorcyclist in road traffic.
In its latest study "Motorcycle Safety in Germany: Attitudes and Behaviors with a Special Focus on Driver Assistance Systems on Motorcycles", the ifz was able to prove how sustainable motorcycle training is: Motorcyclists who have already participated in one or more driving safety training courses are more likely to deal with dangers associated with motorcycling than those who have never taken part in a training. This very important result strengthens the widely held thesis that participation in motorcycle safety training promotes sensitivity to risks and dangerous situations.
So let's go, find the right training in your area quickly and conveniently! You can access the search mask of the constantly updated database for the trainings offered throughout Germany via www.ifz.de.
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