Attention for depression support!

Zero Motorcycles Germany is supporting the Europe-wide series of motorcycle events around depression relief and is providing "Fellows Ride" mastermind Dieter Schneider with a new Zero DSR/X for the more than 26 planned fundraising rides.

It is a real success story for a good cause: Since the first "Fellows Ride" in Würzburg in 2021, the initiator has already been able to organize 21 more demonstration rides by motorcyclists. Under the motto "With an open visor for depression help", he created a much-noticed and successful stage to create more attention for the often hidden but constantly increasing widespread disease depression. The second goal of the "Fellows Rides" was also achieved: As part of the 2023 events, donations of 33,000 euros were distributed for projects and research projects in this area for many charitable purposes. This year, the campaign goes into the next season - including a Zero DSR/X electric motorcycle that is part of the party as a starting and support bike. In order to clearly mark the motorcycle as "Fellows Zero", the motorcycle was provided with the logos of the campaign and its sponsors by the Würzburg dealer hmf Motorrad.

"Tom Hemmerlein, the managing director of the Zero dealer hmf Motorrad in Würzburg, drew our attention to the 'Fellows Rides' last year. After supporting the first 'Silent Night Ride' on a small scale in 2023, we wanted to expand this in 2024. So the idea came up to equip Dieter Schneider with a Zero for the rides this year," explains Nina Bernecker, Regional Sales & Marketing Manager DE & AT at Zero Motorcycles. "Many thanks to Tom Hemmerlein for supporting the project. We are pleased to be able to equip and support the 'Fellows Rides' this year with a 2024 model year Zero DSR/X. In addition, we will present Dieter with a donation from Zero at the ride in Berlin!"

"After the great success of our campaign last year, it quickly became clear to me that this could only have been the starting signal, because depression and mental health problems are increasingly penetrating the middle of our society," explains Dieter Schneider. "I am therefore very grateful that our initiative is supported by more and more companies and institutions. The new Zero DSR/X as the starting and leading motorcycle at the rides is a very important component of this support, for which I would like to thank you very much on behalf of the Depression Inclusion Foundation, which manages our donations!"

More information about the "Fellows Rides" and the use of the collected donations can be found at:

About Fellows Ride:
The Fellows Ride is an initiative that organizes motorcycle demonstrations to raise awareness for depression support. Volunteer teams organize the demonstrations at various locations, collect donations and hand them over to regional health projects that are committed to helping against depression. For 2024, 20 rides are already firmly planned throughout Europe, 25 rides for a good cause are the ambitious goal of Dieter Schneider and his team.

Important: For many of the rides, volunteers (with a motorcycle license) are still being sought, who are essential for the success of the events. All further information can be found on the website of Aktion - and of course the number of the donation account can also be found here.