Royal Enfield Meteor 350 vs. Classic 350
Comparison of the two cheap retro bikes from India
Comparison of the Royal Enfield Meteor 350 (2021) with the new Royal Enfield Classic 350 (2022): What is the difference between the two cheap and at first glance very similar retro bikes from India? We have tested both motorcycles extensively and tell you which bike can do what - and what not.
00:00 - Introduction
00:54 - Ergonomics & Dimensions
01:38 - Cockpit & Controls
02:33 - Light front and rear
03:04 - Technical data of the engines
04:11 - Sound checks
04:58 - Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h and torque 60 to 100 km/h
06:06 - Our opinion on the Meteor 350 - Pro \u0026 Contra
10:52 - Our opinion on the Classic 350 - Pro \u0026 Contra
14:45 - Conclusion
Royal Enfield Himalayan 450
Royal Enfield Meteor 350
Safe motorcycling