BMW R 1250 GS vs. BMW R 1250 GS Adventure
Comparison - Differences between the GS and Adventure
We compare the BMW R 1250 GS with the BMW R 1250 GS Adventure and show you the advantages and disadvantages of these two travel enduros from BMW. What can the Adventure do more and is it worth the extra charge? Or does the cheaper GS have the edge in comparison? Our test comparison shows the differences between the "thick" and the "normal" GS 1250.
00:00 -Introduction
00:48 - Visual differences
01:54 - Ergonomics & dimensions
03:01 - Cockpit & controls
06:00 - Light front and rear
06:22 - Technical data: engine, chassis, brakes
09:15 - Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h of the GS 1250
09:47 - Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h of the GS 1250 Adventure
10:36 - Pull of the GS 1250 from 60 to 100 km/h in 5th gear 11:00 - Traction of the GS 1250 Adventure from 60 to 100 km/h in 5th gear
11:45 - Our opinion on the BMW R 1250 GS - Pros & Cons
14:15 - Our opinion on the BMW R 1250 GS Adventure - Pros & Cons
18:30 -
Conclusion - for whom is which machine suitable?
Protection against dirt!
Revival Cycles presents new Custom Bike
Anniversary: 50 years of motorcycle production
New R 1250 GS