BMW F 900 XR vs. Yamaha Tracer 900 GT
Comparison of mid-range crossover bestsellers
We compare the BMW F 900 XR with the Yamaha Tracer 900 GT and show you the advantages and disadvantages of these two cross-over motorcycles of the upper middle class.
00:00 - Introduction
01:01 - Ergonomics & Dimensions
02:05 - Cockpit & Controls
04:11 - Light front and rear
04:32 - Engine & transmission / Power & consumption
06:15 - Sound check
06:45 - Acceleration & torque: Yamaha Tracer 900 GT
08:39 - Acceleration & torque: BMW F 900 XR
10:09 - Our opinion on the Yamaha Tracer 900 GT - Pros & Cons
12:34 - Our opinion on the BMW F900XR - Pros & Cons
15:47 - Conclusion of the comparison
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